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Mapology Guides started as a side hustle

Yes, that's correct. Mapology Guides did indeed start as a side hustle.

Mind map of side hustle

Looking through my many sketch-and notebooks, I re-discovered how I first recorded initial mind-maps, sketches and thoughts around what kind of product I wanted to create. I honestly had no clue and it took me a long time to work it out.

Sketchbook entries
What I did know is that without setting time aside for my side hustle, it would NEVER happen. But how do we do this when we are working or really busy? It sounds easy, but it ain't - trust me. Then there's the self-doubt, that voice that keeps telling you who are you to create a product from scratch, a new business - someone that might have a good idea...

Sketchbook story board
One day it daunted on me that what I needed was an accountability partner, someone who would keep me in check, someone I could and would be accountable to. Now, that also sounds really easy, but isn't. Trust me.

Sketchbook entry on a manifesto
One day, at an event, I met this woman and told her about my side hustle and how I would very much like it to one day become a business. I think I asked her whether she would be up for being an accountability buddy and she said yes. She already had a business she wanted to make changes in - but unfortunately, she never got around to it and it felt a little one-sided.  Luckily for me, I kept to my intentions every week and that's how I slowly, slowly started Mapology Guides. I'm very grateful to her for the time she gave me, but it is best to have a two-way accountability relationship, where both of you are actively committed to the process of accountability, of moving forward.

Sketchbook entry

For a long time, I couldn't find the right accountability partner. I tried many various ways and had to kiss many frogs:) Thankfully, I did find the right partner this year. We are both running a small business and are both committed to learning, growing and sharing. It's a complete joy and I look forward to speaking with her every week.
There is complete trust, we exchange ideas and newfound knowledge and ask each other for opinions, feedback and so much more. I come away with a new insight every time and I know it's the same for her. These are the best accountability relationships, where there's a give and take and where both parties (can also be more than two) get something out of it. 

But as I said, it's not easy to find. Experiment, test, don't be afraid to try and then realise it's not the right person. You won't know unless you try it out for yourself. I can only highly recommend it. 

There are some who differentiate between an accountability partner and a 'success' partner. I see them the same as I would only be in an accountability relationship with someone who is actively moving forward.

sketchbook entry

To conclude, if you have an idea, if you are thinking about starting something and if you are serious about it - it will not happen unless you dedicate some time to it and do it consistently. 20-30 minutes a few times a week is enough to get the ball rolling. Good Luck.

Green coloured tag saying: The beginning of Mapology Guides
For those of you who are curious to see what happened afterwards.... the beginning of Mapology Guides.