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Making zines

I've been a long-time fan of making Zines. They are simple to do and you can choose any subject you like - honestly, it's endless.

Here are a few random ideas:

  • kid's birthday invites (you can be really creative here)
  • a mental health journey
  • a weeks worth of recipes
  • a love declaration to someone (everything you love about them)
  • what do I want to be when I grow up?
  • an armchair travel holiday (bucket list stuff)
  • ideas for how to get another job

I wanted to mix up my usual yearly review of the year just passed - and as I endeavour to do a creative task every day in 2022, my mind is racing. For the review I made a Zine, entitled: 'What 2021taught me'.

Zine, What 2021 taught me, creativity

Here are some of the topics I'm covering:

Health & Fitness
Friends & Community
Work & Business
Learning & Knowledge
Personal relationships

You can adapt it to whatever suits you.

Zine, yearly review, topics

Why not make a Zine yourself? If you don't know where to start, why not buy this little booklet that will help with all matters Zine...

Making a Zine

For some more ideas, some creative thinking, why not download our FREE EBOOK on being or becoming your own boss.